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Scientific Meetings

CABRAL, A & FIGUEIREDO, CM (2015) 'Costumes' somatic role in the immersion in virtual fictional cinematic worlds: between the spectator’s memories and their wish of dematerializationt’, Proceedings of theAVANCA/CINEMA - Internacional Conference, Ed. Cineclube de Avanca, ISBN: 978-989-96858-6-4, pp. 141-148.

CABRAL, A & FIGUEIREDO, CM (2014) ‘Costume Design: Ergonomics in Performance Art’, Proceedings of the 5th AHFE: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 19-23 July, Jagiellonian University, T. Ahram, W. Karwowski and T. Marek , Kraków, ISBN: 978-1-4951-1572-1, pp. 2430-2438.

CABRAL, A & CARVALHO, C (2013) ‘Design de Figurinos Inteligentes e Criação de Discursos Simbólicos’, UD'13, 2º Encontro Nacional de Investigação Doutoral em Design, 13 de Julho, Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Porto, ISBN 978-989-98284-2-1, pp. 271-279.

CABRAL, A & FIGUEIREDO, CM (2013) ‘O Figurino na Construção das Personagens e do Drama da Ficção Cinematográfica’, 8º Congresso da SOPCOM, 17-19 de Outubro, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social de Lisboa, Lisboa, ISBN: 978-989-20-3877-3, pp. 115-121.

CABRAL, A & CARVALHO, C (2013) ‘Smart Costumes for Performance Art’, Performance: Visual Aspects of Performance Practice, 17th-19th September, Mansfield College, Oxford, draf paper acedido a 03/02/14 em «».


CABRAL, A & FIGUEIREDO, CM (2019) ‘Performative Approaches in Designing Costumes: Ergonomics in Immersion and Storytelling’, in: G. Di Bucchianico, Advances in Design for Inclusion, Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Design for Inclusion and the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Human Factors for Apparel and Textile Engineering, July 24-28, 2019, , Washington D.C., Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-20444-0_33, pp. 337-349. 

CABRAL, A & CABRAL, I (2012) ‘Interaction and Transmutation in Fashion Design: Between Art and Technology’, Proceedings do 1º CIMODE: Congresso Internacional de Moda e Design, 5-7 de Novembro,  Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, ISBN 978-972-8692-72-8,  pp.674-680.

(portuguese version)

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